Chairman's Message

Dear clients, colleagues, associates and friends, 
Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) has been meeting the Intellectual Property needs of our distinguished international clients regionally and globally for four decades. Over this period, we have grown into a truly international firm. To provide complete coverage of the region, AGIP has offices throughout the Arab countries, in addition to India, Turkey, Pakistan, Cyprus, China, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Djibouti, Kenya and Indonesia. To serve our clients at the global level, AGIP has an extensive network of 150 liaison and correspondent offices worldwide. 
Throughout this growth period, AGIP has maintained its unwavering commitment to its mission of providing clients with the best-quality service available in the field of IP protection. 
This commitment to IP protection is demonstrated by our continued involvement with international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO); with NGOs such as the International Trademark Association (INTA), International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI), and with our funding of Arab NGOs, such as the Arab Society for Intellectual Property (ASIP) and the Licensing Executives Society-Arab Countries (LES-AC). 
AGIP has organized and sponsored, in coordination with WIPO, ASIP and WTO, relevant training for members of the judiciary, as well as district attorneys, in various Arab countries. AGIP has also provided ASIP with experts to help draft new and better IP laws for a number of Arab states. We are also proud to have assisted in the publication of numerous ground-breaking reference works on IP in the Arab world, including the compilation of an English translation of all the Arab IP laws and the publishing of a major IP dictionary in Arabic. 
Our goal is two-fold: to help provide our clients the protection their efforts deserve and to help further the advancement of the Arab people. To this end, we greatly appreciate your continued business and the relationship we have developed over the years. I assure you that we shall continue to do our utmost in providing you with the highest levels of service. 
Please visit our continually updated website ( ), for a wealth of information in the IP field. I am sure you will find it to be the most valuable tool, as you seek the best protection for your work. 
Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh